[CR]E-bay, Christmas, and Classic French Components

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 20:22:00 -0800
From: "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
To: dave@pelletizer.com
Subject: [CR]E-bay, Christmas, and Classic French Components
References: <006301c72648$586da530$6601a8c0@DELLLAPTOP>
In-Reply-To: <006301c72648$586da530$6601a8c0@DELLLAPTOP>
cc: 'Classic Rendevous' <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

There is no reason for it to become a thread because it has been discussed before. I'm just making a suggestion.

Jay Sexton Sebastopol, CA

David Toppin wrote:
> How do you fairly decide who gets it? Seems to me first come first serve is
> the fairest method possible.
> This is going to be a fun thread......
> David Toppin
> dave@pelletizer.com
> http://www.pelletizer.com <------ see our complete, searchable inventory.
> The Pelletizer Group, Inc.
> 4 LaChance Street
> Gardner, MA 01440-2476
> (978) 669-0060
> (978) 669-0061 fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org
> [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of Jay Sexton
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 10:59 PM
> To: Mark Buswell
> Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: Re: [CR]E-bay, Christmas, and Classic French Components
> There is a list member, forget who, that always makes it clear in his for
> sale postings that he will wait 24 hours (or some time frame) before
> replying to requests. At least everyone had a fair chance with his method.
> The reality is that most list folks want to get rid of stuff quickly once
> they decide to sell, so it's into the shark tank.
> Jay Sexton
> Sebastopol, CA
> Mark Buswell wrote:
>> How would you even be able to do ("...take into consideration the
>> digest folks who get their C.R.'s in lump form") that if you wanted to?
>> Mark Buswell
>> San Francisco, CA
>> United States
>> On Dec 22, 2006, at 7:21 PM, Jay Sexton wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> If you do decide to offer your parts stash to the list, may I suggest
>>> that you take into consideration the digest folks who get their
>>> C.R.'s in lump form? Often parts are sold before the digest folks
>>> even get the for sale posts.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Jay Sexton
>>> Sebastopol, CA
>>> Chris,
>>> Considering the season, why not price the items fairly and offer the
>>> stuff to the CR listmembers before selling the stuff on eBay? Just a
>>> thought.
>>> Brian Baylis
>>> La Mesa, CA
>>> Personally, the only stuff I would sell on eBay are drumsets and such.
>>> When I have something to sell to bike people I like to sell it to the
>>> good people on the list for an established and fair price.
>>> -- Chris Kulczycki <chris@velo-orange.com> wrote:
>>> Since this list seems to be populated by e-bay experts, it seems the
>>> logical place to ask. I have a big box of on-topic components and
>>> bits that I'll probably never use. Is the holiday season a good time
>>> for E- bay sales? Do bored CR types off from work wile away their
>>> holidays driving up e-bay prices, or is everyone out of town.
>>> Also, is it just me,or do prices for French components seem to be
>>> rising?
>>> Have a merry......
>>> Chris
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