To: Jay Sexton asked, >> "If you do decide to offer your parts stash to the list, may I >> suggest that you take into consideration the digest folks who get >> their C.R.'s in lump form? Often parts are sold before the digest >> folks even get the for sale posts."
to which Mark Buswell followed up:
"How would you even be able to do ("...take into consideration the digest folks who get their C.R.'s in lump form") that if you wanted to?" +++++++ I've usually listed parts for sale with a note like (words not exaxt): "will select buyer 24 hr. after digest with this listing appears." I used to actually draw numbers when there were multiple requests. More recently, I've quietly given preference to requests from folks who have (in my imperfect judgment) done Good Stuff for our community: A Dale Brown, Mark Bulgier or Morgan Fletcher request is high on my list. People whose contributions reflect long experience and Wise Counsel are up there, too. But don't worry, often there's only one request.
When I do sell something, a major goal is to help further and continue our shared endeavour, and I don't see an obligation to "first come, first served" as the only possible selection criterion. If I were in it for maximizing my return in $$, I'd go eBay, but I use that rarely.
I'm sorry if this ticks off those who are really into tracking in real time. I can't do that, so I'm trying to level the field for others who find digest mode helpful in organizing their lives.
harvey "clearly not an entrepreneur" sachs mcLean va