Uh, I knew that.
Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA
> This DP miniature track bike belongs to John Power Jr., who is the
> grandson of Dick Power. Jamie Swan gave me the bike to hold onto until
> John had a place to put it in his home. I gave the bike to him about
> three months ago. And that is where the bike shall remain. BTW, John
> is also owns a DP chrome track bike that, one of these days, he will get
> around to restoring...with some help. He is very much into family and I
> think will treasure the little bike as a legacy from his grandfather.
> In addition he has the frame and some odd parts from a childs bike that
> Dick built for him when he was a child. Another project.
> Edward Albert
> Chappaqua, NY, USA
> Edward Albert, Ph.D.
> Professor Emeritus of Sociology
>>>> Michael Schmidt <mdschmidt@patmedia.net> 12/24/06 2:46 PM >>>
>> Anyone interested in what became of the little track bike?
>> see:
>> http://www.bikecult.com/
>> Be sure to check out last photo on bottom of page.
>> May have cracked my Scrooge facade on that one.
>> Happy Holidays!.
>> Pete Geurds
>> Douglassville, Pa
> This just in.....It's Jamie Swan's
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ