Re: [CR]Campagnolo BB cups--which ones to use?

(Example: Events:BVVW)

From: "ternst" <>
To: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>, "Tory Werne" <>, "'Ted E. Baer'" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo BB cups--which ones to use?
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:19:07 -0800

Some of the earlier Italian Bikes had 74 BB's and I sold an axle like that to a fellow CR member. Then it got standardized to 70, where we are today. Some of the older track frames were 65. I think the Campy thin wall cups came first, then for a short time the rubber seal, and then the directional thread which is to keep foreign matter out of the bearings, while bike is pedaled forward. No warranty if you ride backwards. The rubber seals were tricky to work with, which would explain their short
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates

----- Original Message -----
From: Fred Rafael Rednor
To: Tory Werne

<>; <> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 8:12 AM Subject: RE: [CR]Campagnolo BB cups--which ones to use?

> --- Tory Werne <> wrote:
>> Ted Baer wrote :
>> <cut>
>> I rooted through my old spindles and found a decent
>> Campagnolo Record spindle engraved "70-SS."
>> <cut>
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Ted :
>> Based on NOS Campagnolo Italian BB's I've purchased or
>> measured,
>> I have also seen 70-SS without additional markings.
>> To be sure of the application, measure the total length of
>> the spindle.
>> Thick Cup
>> 113mm ... pre 1978 NR Road Double
>> 115.5mm ... post 1977 NR Road Double
>> Thin Cup
>> 118mm ... pre 1978 NR Road Triple
>> 124mm ... post 1977 NR Road Triple
>> It it's another number, sorry, I can't confirm it.
>> Tory Werne
>> Woodstock, Georgia USA
> Those numbers sound correct. The lenghts you might be missing
> from your list are the symetrical spindles used for track
> cranksets or later road cranksets such as Chorus and Athena.
> Those will be 109.5 to 111 millimeters long.
> What puzzles me now is the 74mm BB that Ted Ernst mentioned.
> I've never seen one. Did they really use thin-wall cups? I
> could see those having thick-wall cups, in which case they
> could use the same spindle as the 70mm thick-wall. Or perhaps
> it's time to start re-measuring everything in my BB spindle
> collection...
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
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