Lynn, Are you SURE that you don't have enough thread in the topnut to squeeze in a few mm. for a Mafac or Weinmann front hanger?
Most of my headsets have quite a lot of threading within that top (locking) nut... and usually it starts at the BOTTOM of the nut. It doesn't require a lot of grip from this piece to hold every segment of a headset securely in place.
Afraid I'm not familiar with your Edco - which may be fundamentally different. As I recall, some actually did have an unusual "threadless" clamping design for the top nut... but maybe I'm thinking of MUCH later pieces.
Good Luck!
Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Lynn wrote:
"I am in the process of rebuilding my early 70s LeJeune and have a bit
of a problem. I am wanting to use Mafac centerpulls as originally came
on the bike, but I am using an Edco headset that takes up too much stack
height for a hanger to mount...
... Suggestions? "
Lynn Travers
Hazelwood, MO