Steven Maasland wrote:
> They made them out of aluminum alloy for part of the 1979 year. There
> were apparently 3 versions made in 1979.
> Old style with titanium
> New style with titanium
> New style with alloy
> Check out Kauzo's Super Record derailleur collection:
In 1978 there was: Old style with titanium upper and lower bolts (PATENT-78) New style with aluminum upper and lower bolts (PATENT-78)
When I was outfitting my newly restored '77 Colnago Super I wanted to use a Pat 78 derailleur and was offered the above two derailleurs by a very kind list member. I opted for the new style because I was using all the new for 1978 Super Record stuff on the bike. One interesting detail of the upper aluminum derailleur bolt on the new style '78 derailleur was that the bolt was drilled all the way through like the titanium upper derailleur bolts. On the '79 new style derailleur I also have, the upper aluminum derailleur bolt is solid instead of hollow (not drilled all the way through); changed for added strength I assume.
Several contemporary sources have stated that the aluminum bolts were specified because there was a titanium shortage during this period. Later new style rear derailleurs went back to the original titanium bolt configuration. Titanium - sexier, aluminum - lighter. Veerry interesting (said with Artie Johnson Laugh-In inflection)!
Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California
United States of America (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)