Re: [CR]interested in 44-tooth 151 BCD 3/32" (and possibly 1/8") reproduction chainrings????

(Example: Framebuilders:Cecil Behringer)

Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 18:24:33 +0000 (GMT)
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]interested in 44-tooth 151 BCD 3/32" (and possibly 1/8") reproduction chainrings????
In-reply-to: <00aa01c71e13$ff1e3490$6e70ef84@AD.UCSD.EDU>
To: Peter Brueggeman <>
References: <00aa01c71e13$ff1e3490$6e70ef84@AD.UCSD.EDU>

Keep in mind that a machinist can make oval slots in a 144 ring quite easily so they fit on a 151 crank. It would be best to take a stack so that the set up time is spread over a few. Blaine Velo Sports 763- 712-0312 near the NSC Velodrome north of Minneapolis had someone lined up to do this but I am talking about 10 years ago.

Mike Kone had some rings made up a while ago. I'll let him tell the story if he cares to.

Jim Merz made rings in the 1970s and I think they were over $50 so a price of $100 plus makes sense.

Highpath Engineering could make them for $150 or so.

Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Brueggeman"
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:38:00 -0000
Subject: [CR]interested in 44-tooth 151 BCD 3/32" (and possibly 1/8") reproduction chainrings????

> CR, I'm looking into having some 44-tooth 151 BCD 3/32" (and

\r?\n> possibly 1/8")

\r?\n> reproduction chainrings made. What do folks think is a

\r?\n> reasonable retail

\r?\n> price for one, and would you buy one if it were available at

\r?\n> that price?

\r?\n> Feel free to respond offline to me.


\r?\n> Thanks for your interest, Peter

\r?\n> ============================================

\r?\n> Peter Brueggeman

\r?\n> San Diego California USA

\r?\n> pbrueggeman(AT)