Not perfect dating but of some assistance regarding 3ttt:
I won a 3ttt seatpost in a bike race in early 1974, the box was quite tatty, knowing that bike shops often provided dead stock for race prizes, I would very much assume it was in stock in 1973. It had the earlier black fasteners with hex heads throughout. Used it on a track bike I built up in March of 1974.
My first adult bike, a Bertin C-37 had a 3ttt Record stem with allen key quill bolt and nutted bar attachments. Bought that in late June of 1972. The one with all the cool stickers, that I promptly removed to make it easier to polish and lower into the steerer farther.
I did not complain too much about the pizes I got, they were all good-will donations, won some DT spokes in 1974 before many others had seen them locally in SoCal. The 70's, the time of the Corinthians, no cash allowed.
John Jorgensen
Torrance Ca