Concerning the auctions, if Ebay goes the way of the Yahoo auction that we have over here, where the auction ending time gets extended ten minutes each time a bid is placed within the last five or ten minutes, I think it is safe to say that the selling prices will generally tend to escalate. Often for a desirable item, the "party" doesn't begin until the initially scheduled ending time is past.
Dennis Young Hotaka, Japan
> For what it's worth, this auction (7219099201) ended up with 4,525
> hits and
> 215 "watchers". I am told that eBay auctions with more than 100
> watchers are
> very rare.
> Just because there aren't very many people who can afford a $3,650
> bike,
> doesn't mean it ain't worth it.
> I think that Paramount is worth it-- not just because I'm the
> seller. I'm
> willing to bet my seat in hell that as prices rise, more astounding
> bikes
> will come out of the woodwork, and prices will rise more. If you
> want to be
> an owner of one of these astounding bikes, you better pony-up now,
> because
> in 10 years, you may not be able to afford it...
> John Barron
> Minneapolis