Re: [CR]American Frame builders taking their inspiration from theItalians

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 10:37:40 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]American Frame builders taking their inspiration from theItalians
References: <>

I'm guessing that while Richie Sachs started his career at Witcomb in England and then Witcomb USA, that he would tell you his inspiration came from the Italians (Masi and Confente). I'm hoping that since Peter Weigle is on the list he'll tell us what inspired him (I'm guessing Italian again). Peter?

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> I think Chuck's statement may be accurate for the West Coast. On the East Coast/Midwest, British bikes were a bigger influence as Mssrs. Sachs, Weigle and Fattic demonstrate.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
> Tom Sanders <> wrote:
> When Chuck said of Italians "They provided the source of inspiration for
> most of the US frame builders in the early 1970s I'd add. " My eyebrows
> went up sharply. I certainly would not dispute his word, as I know full
> well he has forgotten more about bikes than I'll ever know and I really have
> the deepest respect here.
> I would ask how this Italian influence squares with the fact that so any of
> the American frame builders went to England to learn how to build? Was it
> simply that employment in Italian bike shops was not available, or perhaps
> the language barrier was intimidating ? Hard to imagine such stalwarts as
> Richard Sachs, Doug Fattic and Peter Weigle being easily intimidated, but
> maybe. For sure Richard's bikes have more than a bit of the Italian in them
> to my eye (Now I may be getting into real trouble), but Peter's bikes seem
> to embody the English more and Doug's are clearly part of that American
> School represented so well by himself, Chris Kvale and Eisentraut. Although
> Doug's fancier lugwork is certainly English influenced. Lord, I have
> probably alienated all of them by this point! Hope not.
> Chuck would you expand on your comment a bit? Perhaps a couple of frame
> builders might chime in here too?
> Tom Sanders
> Lansing, Mi