Re: [CR]Masi Pista BB shaved cutout

(Example: History)

Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 21:17:47 -0800
From: "Tam Pham" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Masi Pista BB shaved cutout
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

Now why didn't I think of that?! Seems completely plausible, especially whe n I put my Magistroni crank arm near it to visualize where the bolts would be :

I'm pretty convinced you've solved the mystery. It was probably done to accomodate gear changes at the track without having to remove the arm.

Another interesting thing about the build of this frame is that the bottom side of the BB shell is extremely beefy. The top half of the shell is of normal(?) 3mm thickness and it starts growing to 4mm halfway down. I checke d my Carlsbad Pista and it doesn't have that treatment, seen more easily on the non-drive side:

Thanks for chiming in! Tam Pham Huntington Beach, CA

On 2/3/06, Derek Willburn <> wrote:
> Was the bottom bracket shell ground away to allow for
> removing crankring bolts like on a Stronglight 49
> crank?
> Derek Willburn
> Long Beach, CA
> --- Tam Pham <> wrote:
> > because my '50s Masi
> > Pista (which is very much identical to your '54
> > Pista) has an unusual
> > "shaped/shaved" cutout that I am confused as to what
> > it might be for. A
> > closeup of the area can be viewed here:
> >
> >
> >
> > It looks very intentional... except the intent is
> > unclear.
> >
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