>From a recent post by Steve Kurt to the iBOB list in response to someone else's box in the basement whatizzit question:
Lightweight goodness.
Charlie Young
Honey Brook, PA
> Found in a basement box of old parts a set of what I believe are late 70's
> Weyless hubs and was wanting to see a pic to verify they are. Anybody
> have a pic and/or any experience with these? I removed the outer circlip
> and dust shield from one sealed bearing and noted that although smooth
> they are probably dry. Any ideas on how to re-charge these sealed
> bearings with new grease to use these babies? Appears as if the bearings
> are press fit and probably hard to remove. The best part of this whole
> deal is that I don't even recall ever having these hubs and they just
> magically appeared when I was looking to build up a set of wheels! Almost
> as good as a great find at a garage sale! Thanks for any help.
> Tony Zanussi
> Kansas city, MO