The new venue for the Westminster (MD) swap meet was much improved: a large exhibit hall designed for agricultural shows. Concrete floor, lots of tables. The thing felt much, much bigger than the old one, which was held in a string of connected sheds or slightly better. New place had abundant light, much easier loading - unloading, etc. It also felt much bigger, and had rather crowded narrow aisles.
I think there must have been twenty or so of us vintage aficianados, but I'm terrible about names and faces, so please don't feel hurt if I don't remember that you were there. Edward Albert, Billie Rounds, Tom Adams, the brothers Granger had tables in the shadow of Larry Black's usual lovely collection of eye candy bikes of all flavors. Half a dozen folks brought bikes just to show, which was fun. A "pair" of 38 Schwinns: my Paramount in white, and Pete Rutledge's Superior in bright red. Very pale Claud Butler (?) fancy-lugs, Ken Sanford's 50s Gillot, Wayne' Bingham's (?) Wizard, and so on. I'm leaving some out. the brothers Sanford and Wayne Bingham had tables nearby. As, I'm sure, did others. Curtis and Ralph, the Via Bikes crew from Philly had a table. Mike Schmidt, Steve Maasland, my old grad school buddy Bob Kasper (whom I hadn't seen in maybe 30 years), Rich Cool...
I had a great time, but felt there was one tiny problem: I sure didn't find lots and lots of vintage stuff from Out There, the non-CR types bringing in Stuff from attic or seller. Except Bob & Kathy Dollar, clearing out lots of nice vintage tandem stuff (they've "advanced" to 'bents now). I got yet another pair of DynaDrive pedals, someone else got the world's grubbiest Campy Sport. I think I broke even or better on vintage stuff, but didn't hear anyone talking about lots of great finds. Hmmm. Maybe I was so busy socializing that others got all the good stuff.
harvey sachs
mcLean va