RE: [CR] Adapter bushing for nutted brake bolts

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 16:32:43 -0800 (PST)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: RE: [CR] Adapter bushing for nutted brake bolts
In-Reply-To: <>

Can't you simply take a short (or shortened) sleeve nut and mount it inside the fork? You might also have to use some sort of convex washer, depending upon the shape of the fork crown's interior.
     Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia

--- KO Kevin wrote:

> As Doug mention earlier, use the front recessed bolt as a
> rear nutted
> bolt. Then (and I've seen this done only once) take the
> stubby brake
> bolt that was the rear recessed bolt insert it in the front
> of the fork.
> Cut off the head off the front (long) recessed nut that came
> with the
> brakes, creating a threaded sleeve. Stick the sleeve up
> through the
> bottom of the fork and thread it onto the stub of the brake
> bolt. Find
> another (sacrificial) brake bolt and cut the threaded portion
> off.
> Thread this headless bolt into the sleeve from the rear. The
> sleeve
> joins the two brake bolts together. Try and ensure that both
> bolts have
> enough purchase in the sleeve, it is best if they meet in the
> middle of
> the sleeve. Use Locktite in the sleeve to secure the bolts.
> The
> sacrificial bolt need not be the same manufacture as the
> original, so
> you can use a Weinmann bolt to extend a Campy bolt. It seems
> like a lot
> of trouble to go through, but if you have the parts on hand,
> it may
> provide a viable alternative to buying the correct bolts in
> the first
> place.
> Kevin Ko
> Eugene, OR
> Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 15:39:40 -0500
> From:
> Subject: Re: [CR]Adapter/bushing for nutted brake bolts
> <
> +
> for+nutted+brake+bolts%22&SearchPrefix=%40msgsubject&SortBy=MsgDate%5
> Ba%
> 5D>
> Now come up with and adapter for the opposite situation. You
> have
> recessed bolt brake calipers and you want to use them on a
> frame meant
> for nutted calipers. I know you can drill out the brake
> bridge but I do
> not relish doing so as I like to keep the frame and fork
> original. I
> also know you can change out the bolts themselves on the
> calipers but
> that is a terrible job to do as I have done it. Are there any
> other
> ideas out there for this situation?
> Ray Homiski
> NJ
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