RE: [CR]Being grateful for a gift

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Being grateful for a gift
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 17:37:35 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR]Being grateful for a gift
Thread-Index: AcYt0v9l/g/ro8VCQfmX+09R1QdeYgAD15zg
From: "Eric Meddaugh" <EricMeddaugh@AirgoNetworks.Com>
To: "Howard Darr" <>, <>


That was beautiful - eloquent, even. Thanks!

Eric Meddaugh San Carlos, CA usa ---

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Howard Darr Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 3:46 PM To: Subject: [CR]Being grateful for a gift

My huffy five speed stick shift banana seat bike at 9 yrs of age gave me

wheels to travel cross town in Erie, PA.

When my dad wanted to get my attention he grounded the bike. My first huffy 10 speed made trips to beaches, parks or I just wandered. When I'd saved my money and had my Serotta with a TA triple I thought I could go anywhere.

It was when I went too far, the hills were too steep, the riders faster than I or when I was faster than the others that I worked out who I was. It was on a bike that I pounded out the frustrations of youth. It was on a bike I learned to be alone and not lonely.

It was on a bike that I taught my daughter the serious lessons of life as we shared in adventures where our wildly differing recollections are hotly debated:-)

I think that bikes have been God's gift to me (not always used) to keep me from being Ethan Frome's automaton.

A lovely Bottecchia that I shaved 10 minutes of my favorite ride. The Ross that is such a practical bike yet so much fun to ride. The Serotta still

winks and promises adventure.

Not salvation, just a vehicle, but it does a boys heart good.

Howard Darr
Clymer PA