Not with 28 hole, think about it considering that it is a marginal idea at 36 hole. Go with 3X.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Hotch, NJ
> I'm toying with building a set of wheels out of the 28 hole Super
\r?\n> Champion tubular rims that I picked up at Westchester this past
\r?\n> weekend. Hubs, for the moment are undecided, they may be period or
\r?\n> I may do some playing with modern.
\r?\n> In the past, I've always built 3-cross wheels. Given that I'm
\r?\n> not building 36-spoke wheels this time and plan on using them for
\r?\n> road work (on a very light bike, needless to say), is there a
\r?\n> strength advantage to building 4-cross wheels?
\r?\n> George R. "Syke" Paczolt
\r?\n> Montpelier, VA
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