Dear Listmembers,
We will be holding our monthly SD Vintage ride this comming Sunday, Feb. 19. We will be meeting at "Ye Olde Bicycle Shop and Cafe", owned and op erated by Dave Taitano. The shop is located on University Ave. in San Di ego, about one block west of 70th St. and University Ave. We will meet a little earlier than normal at 9:00am. Dave will have the coffee shop op en before the ride so we can chat, drink coffee and eat bagles or whatev er, and check out the fantastic job Dave has done with the shop/bike mus eum. Dave recently uncovered an early 60's fully lugged Rene Herse tande m in a nearby garage. The bike originally belonged to Dr. Clifford Grave s himself; it's mostly intact parts wise (including the original suicide ft. der handmade by Herse) but is not in original finish, which was rep ortedly completely chrome. The fenders and racks and lights are all ther e. Come check out this recent garage discovery from right here in our ne ighborhood.
We will hit the road at 10:00am for a cruise thru the El Cajon Valley. I suppose we could even throw in a stop at my workshop to take a secret s neek peek at the AeroTour project. It's getting close to showtime and I' ve still a boatload of stuff to do on everything; but I can take the tim e for a ride Sunday before returning to work later in the day. The ride will be a moderate pace, not a lot of climbing but a good selection of v aried terrain. Probably about 25 to 30 mile ride around the La Mesa and El Cajon area.
Come join us. Drop me an email if you plan to come so we know to expect you. We'll have a blast and see some cool stuff.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Too much work, too little time.