Tom Dalton wrote:
> I had 36-hole 700c 13-20's on my first good bike. At the time I
> might have weighed 120 pounds and I dented the rear in short order.
> Eventually, it took a catastrophic hit and I had to replace it. All
> that the shop had that day was the Mavic Module E-2, the preccursor
> the the MA2.
> In the few years that I held onto those E-2s I never dented either.
> Maybe I was becomming a better, more careful rider, or maybe the
> 13-20s are a lot lighter, but the E-2s sure worked much better to me.
> If people are getting away with 13-20's, more power to them, but if
> they don't work for you, it's not atypical. They are soft like
> butter.
I know a lot of people who have had similar problems with 13-20s, but I'll confess to having a set on one of my regular rides for over 20 years now. Rigida also eventually made a heat-treated version of the 13-20 that seems to hold up better.
-John Thompson (
Appleton WI USA