Re: [CR]Survey Says: keep KOF prices where they are...:-)

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 17:33:42 -0800 (PST)
From: "Joe Starck" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Survey Says: keep KOF prices where they are...:-)
In-Reply-To: <>

--- Don Wilson wrote:

> I let you run on awhile to give you the rope you
> needed to hang yourself, which you did.

This is weird, Don. Reality check.

And after
> all
> that it only took one decent fellow calling you on
> the
> carpet and you rolled over and apologized to avoid
> getting reprimanded by the list master. But even
> then
> you couldn't help yourself and had to add a poke in
> the eye post script.

In a stooges sort of way, my referencing Neil Young should have made you chuckle.

Pretty weak, Joe, but apology
> accepted anyway. See, my pop was one tough Marine.
> Verbal abuse like yours is old home week for me,
> kiddo. Hey, maybe you're a gruff old jar head, too.
> Somehow I doubt it though. Why? Cause you appear to
> have missed the part in OCS about command presense.
> Nothing you said had any command presense at all,
> Joe.

"Say there rich guy, be bad as you wanna be totin' that $50k shotgun on this here $25k bicycle."
> So listen up, tough nut. Apology or no apology, you
> insist on your line of bull, I insist on mine.
> Many people, but especially you, still don't get how
> much the wealthy class has expanded and how much
> wealthier it has become over the last 15 years,

My criticisms of your business mindset shouldn't lead you to believe I'm clueless of class changes that have ocurred in my lifetime. But more importantly, you have not proved that custom framebuilders have a parallel expansion of moneybag-holders to court. Do you have a client list? Sell it to the framebuilders. Do you have the magic marketing touch? Sell it to the framebuilders.

> the
> middle and lower classes have gotten the hind teat,
> as
> my pop used to say. I won't go into numbers, because
> I
> doubt they would mean much to you (and you're not
> paying me to either), but $10K to $20K for a bike,
> if
> custom bikes were marketed correctly and
> effectively,
> wouldn't even make today's wealthy blink.

You're blowing smoke again, it's not a poker game builders are in.

> conspicuousness of their consumption is staggering
> and
> should be obvious even to you, brazing pipe in that
> bastion of pork barrel subsidy called Madison, WI,
> surrounded by all those government subsidized dairy
> farms.

I don't braze; haven't since '02. No gov't help in California?

Heck, Joe, go up to Oshkosh to EAA, if you
> want
> to know what they'll spend for joy ride toys these
> days.

Been there, love P-51s. It's the only engine sound that beats "potato, potato, potato..."


Joe Starck Madison, WI USA

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