I suspect there are more "sponsorhips" than you realize amongst framebui lders. Most probably are not as publicized as Richards unit; but most sm all local framebuilders "help out the needy" (translated as bike racers of some sort). I know that Paul Sadhoff from Rock Lobster Cycles is VERY active in supporting a number of local Santa Cruz racers and small club s with his magnificent full on race proven road, mountain, and cyclecros s bikes. This is no joke, these guys are dedicated riders and racers and do a lot to support racing in their local areas.
Most of this type of support goes nunotices by the general cycling publi c because the sponsors usually don't make too big of an issue of it. It' s less for publicity and promotion than the bigger sponsorships go for; it's more real genuine support and belief in the sport.
Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Most framebuilders I know are pretty generous and have a big heart.
These prices are commanded because the best marketing is what the pros r ide . Of course, 99% of the cycling population does not need what a pro needs but that's never stopped anyone from wanting what the pros ride. It's just t he way it is.
BTW, are there any other KOF builders other than Richard Sachs that spon sor s a pro (I think it's a pro) team?
Angel Garcia Verona (Verona), Italy
> What amaes me is how a Ti bike with a carbon back
> end sells for $8000.00 for the frame...there isn't 250
> plus hours in it...but awfully good marketing!
> Paul Brown
> Cycle Dynamics
> Santa Rosa, CA
> 707 322-7208