Re: [CR]ISO VBQ back issues and Copyright

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

From: <>
To: "Jon Schaer" <>, "CR" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]ISO VBQ back issues and Copyright
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 04:59:35 +0000

I think that Jon has been great on this issue and he clearly meant to to the right thing - I hope I didn't come on too strong in my original post ( I can do that sometimes) and I applaud his efforts to be sure that Jan is compensated appropriately. I mainly wanted to raise awareness of the issues involved.

Mike Kone in Boulder CO

-------------- Original message --------------
From: Jon Schaer

> Mike Kone writes;


\r?\n> > Jon's request to purchase backissues of VBQ was laudable..but his

\r?\n> request

\r?\n> > for duplicating I suspect was made without thinking it through - he

\r?\n> asked

\r?\n> > if someone would be willing to make a duplicate of a copyrighted item.


\r?\n> >


\r?\n> I was just looking for a potential source, as Jan said he didn't have

\r?\n> those particular issues any more. I didn't intend to get them for free,

\r?\n> or skirt his copyrights. I paid Jan $120 at NAHBS for a subscription and

\r?\n> back issue collection. He said then that he wasn't sure if he had them

\r?\n> all, and when I received the package there was a note indicating which

\r?\n> issues were missing and that the subscription would be extended to

\r?\n> compensate. I intended on getting his permission, given a willing source

\r?\n> for the issues. I would even have those copies sent to Jan first, and

\r?\n> then pay him for them, if needed.


\r?\n> > And of course, if everyone figures "why subscribe to

\r?\n> > something when I can just copy it later), then there will be nothing

\r?\n> to

\r?\n> > the potential for profit will evaporate.

\r?\n> >


\r?\n> I understand the point, but in reality I don't think that happens a lot

\r?\n> in small circles like ours. Sorry if I gave an impression of

\r?\n> unscrupulous intent. For those of us newer to the vintage lightweight

\r?\n> crowd, it's not always easy to tell what directions our interests are

\r?\n> going and what the best sources for information are. Sometimes a little

\r?\n> back-tracking is required, and sometimes a little "bait" helps nudge

\r?\n> people in a certain direction. I try to be conscious of those making the

\r?\n> true contributions, and remunerate them when I can.


\r?\n> Jon Schaer

\r?\n> Columbus, OH