Re: [CR]UPDATE: Mystery Model Sekai S/N & photos

(Example: History)

Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:20:55 -0500
From: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]UPDATE: Mystery Model Sekai S/N & photos

Steve sez: Thanks to everyone who has sent me Sekai information. The tubing tag states Champion No. 2. The serial number is M1F17546 or M1-17546. I'm pretty sure that is an F instead of a dash in the serial number. The rear dropouts are Shimano EF, and the only thing I can make out on the fork dropouts is Shimano. Here are some pictures of the lugs:

Does anyone have a guess as to the model designation? Those decals seem to have gone missing. Thanks,


It looks like a 4000 to me. I used to sell them in North Dakota...

Mark Ritz
in not as cold, but much wetter, Arcata, CA