Re: [CR]Jan Heine comments re: The Vintage Bicycle Quarterly.

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 00:37:50 -0800
To:, "Classic Rendezvous Bike List" <>
From: "K. A. Thomas" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Jan Heine comments re: The Vintage Bicycle Quarterly.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <> <001801c64a48$8c7ef8b0$8a5dc647@DEATHBOX>

Hey John! Thanks for being someone who "get's it". It amazes me that we are a common group of 1,500 that are united through computer technology that few care to take advantage of on all fronts... My offer stands open, and am glad that you are in league with the idea. My scanning capabilities are somewhat slow, as I'm running an archaic, but reliable, SCSI scanner. However, I can whip a well organized doc into a genuine Adobe pdf in no time! If someone else can make the docs quicker - step up! I really hope that this catches on, and I hope that it resonates with Jan. I'm a few days behind in my reading, but I hope for the sake of all involved that we can get past photocopies to keep this material alive! PDF on CD basically allows all the benefits of inventory control that you mentioned. I hope the techies win the battle! Am also looking into another digital publisher that puts things to paper on an as needed basis when they are ordered. Would likely still be best served from printing from a good pdf as a master, but would at least put fears of digital piracy and copyright issues to rest.

Kirk A. Thomas Keeper of "Le Bumble Bee" Arcadia CA USA

At 07:57 AM 3/19/06 -0500, Don Rogers wrote:
>CR listers, Jan, et. al.:
>On 3/18/06, K. A. Thomas <> wrote:
> > The bottom line, in my thinking, is that this information shouldn't be lo
> > but seems a shame that there is not a mechanism in place to create a
> > permanent archive for those that wish to purchase it.
> > I would be first in line to try and work with anyone interested to
> > try and come up with a scheme for archival quality reprints/PDF's for tho
> > that would like them.
> > Simply frustrated by the easy loss of hard to come by information,
>Would it perhaps be feasible simply to produce and sell past annual
>sets as PDFs on CDs, as Rivendell offers with back issues of Rivendell
>Readers? Read them on-screen, or print your own paper copy. At least
>as good as a xerox, without the hassle of running a xerox. No need to
>keep stacks of inventory; just a few CD blanks, and burn 'em as
>needed. Jan could sell them direct, off his website.
>I agree that it would be a tremendous shame for the vintage Vintage
>content to start evaporating, especially when such a low-overhead
>solution is available.
>If it's useful, I also volunteer to help digitize the content for Jan.
>Don Rogers
>Rumford, RI USA
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