Hey Peter
Just a thought...if it's too hard to measure the diameter could you measure the circumference with a tape measure. The diameter is then equal to circumference divided by 3.14?
Paul Roy
Peter Weigle <jpweigle@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Anyone know the actual diameter of a 650B wheel with Trimline or CdV tir
> es ? (Not the tire diameter, but the whole wheel), I seem to recall re
> ading somewhere that it was 660mm, but I can't find it in an archive sea
Len & all, the diameter is closer to 680 w/ trimline tire...With the hub and
axle in the way its hard to be exact... If its real important to be exact on
this contact me off list and I'll mount a tire on a bare rim-not built up
and measure for you, I have trimlines, grand bois and cole de la vies.
Hope this helps.
Peter Weigle
Lyme Ct.