Re: [CR]Vintage Classic Roadbike

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:44:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Classic Roadbike
To: "robert st.cyr" <>,,
In-Reply-To: <BAY20-F14CEB040BC796FA70F6C94A2D30@phx.gbl>

Thanks to those who replied about the International bars. This comfirms what I had guessed. I bought a 1975 Raleigh International frame dirt cheap from Jason Cloutier a couple of Larz ago because it had a large dent in the top tube, although otherwise it was in pretty good shape. Thanks to repair and respray of the repair area by Mike Barry and help with decals from another CR member, it now looks almost NOS. I'm thinking I may take some liberties with originality on this one, including a 116 BCD Grand Sport triple and Rally RD. If I do that I'll probably go with some NOS randonneur bend "Map of Britain" GB's I have.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

"robert st.cyr" <> wrote: Jerry, I have an original 1974 international and the handle bars are plain. The bars are a polished finish and the stem has the recessed allen bolt with GB on the side. Hope this helps, Regards, Robert St.Cyr ASUCD Bike Barn Davis, Ca.

>From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos
>To: Norris Lockley
>Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Classic Roadbike
>Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:55:30 -0800 (PST)
>Speaking of original equipment, anyone know what bars and stem a mid-70's
>Raleigh International would have come with? Did they have the GB "Map of
>Britain" bars, like the Pros, or the plainer GB's like the less expensive
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
>Norris Lockley wrote:
> Just had another closer look at this bike.
>It still has some original parts on it. Galaxies almost always came with
>GB bars and stem, and Weinmann cetre-pull brakes...and very often
>Wrights saddles.
>The top model with this frame, in the 70s - the Super Galaxy - was
>equipped with a TA double chainset and Suntour VX-GT derailleurs, often
>with the ratchet-type D/T levers..Lyotard pedals. The wheels were more
>often then not, L/F Normandy hubs on Weinmann dimpled rims.
>Talk of Lyotard and weinmann in the same sentence reminds of a couple of
>pairs of 1930 Lyotard concave alloy rims - Weinmann style - that I saw
>in France quite recently...NOS. Now those are RARE !!!
>Norris Lockley, Settle Uk