[CR]Re: GC 537 MC62

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

From: <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 13:47:54 EST
To: BobHoveyGa@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org, hydelake@verizon.net
Subject: [CR]Re: GC 537 MC62

Dan & Ed;

I'm a bit behind in my listreading (more on the reason later, got some cool news)... I wondered why the hit counter on my web page spiked.

The date Ed gives for the Nervex lugs are probably right (though I've seen a

bike or two with them claiming to be a '65) but it should be kept in mind th at for at least part of the time Faliero may have been offering them only as an

option... for a while I was under the impression that all production switche d to the Nervex lugs, but at least one Masi ad (1964) has turned up that offer s the buyer a choice, so there appears to be some evidence that long-point frames may have been produced thruout this period as well.

Back to Carlsbad... traditionally, Reynolds was the standard flavor but Columbus could be had by special order. I've heard Mario would pick it on his own for special frames he did... I guess he liked Columbus better or maybe he just wanted his frames to be different. Reynolds remained the tube of choi ce, even after Carlsbad shut down, as you can see from Rob Roberson's build list

from The Ranch... he specified the tubes he used and I think Columbus ran le ss than five percent.

I agree, the corncob's gotta go, but your biggest priority should be to give

that handlebar wrap a decent burial. ;-)

Bob Hovey Columbus, GA

In a message dated 3/29/06 9:24:28 PM, Dan writes:

> I just received the shipment of a Masi GC that I found in a bike shop in
> Lake Worth, a suburb of West Palm Beach in Florida.  Its a beach bike w/
> rust, but good paint and decals and it was cheap and everything works, a
> great way to ride around on vacation, sorta like a rental, and then have
> it shipped home.  Serial number is 537 MC62, and I have a couple of
> questions.
> Bob Hovey's site indicates that it's probably built around 1974.  Dale's
> site says that the frames were built with either Reynolds or Columbus
> and that's what I'm trying to find out about mine.  There's no tubing
> sticker, but the fork legs seem to be more ovalized than I remember ever
> seeing Columbus tubes.  If it is Reynolds, when did they start to use
> Colubus?  I've also noticed that some of the Masis' on Dales site have
> the fancy Nervex lugs.  Was that a special item or was there a period
> for them?
> It's 60 cm c-c and 58 cm c-c for the top tube, bigger than I usually
> ride, but seems a perfect fit.  Very comfortable, a real no hands
> machine, lots of chain stay and well balanced in the turns with the
> narrow clincher tires that came with it.  Now I just haf'ta replace that
> straight block!
> It can be seen at this address:
> http://community.webshots.com/photo/549034550/2453783330040632288TFscEN
> Please excuse the fuzzier photos.  I just unboxed it and its been a long
> day.  I will take some more.
> Happy trails,
> Dan

Ed writes;

I believe Brian B posted on this not long ago and opined that the period during which Masi used Nervex lugs was about 1960-64. Congrats on scoring th e bike. While visiting Hovey's site, be sure to check out the photos of his ne w Richard Moon frame: just awesome.

Ed Granger
Lancaster, PA, USA