Re: [CR]eBay UK Trike

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:26:40 -0500 (EST)
From: "Marc St. Martin" <>
To: sam lingo <>,
Subject: Re: [CR]eBay UK Trike

Hi Sam,

Most freewheeling trikes I've seen have a dual front brake setup; some with two sidepulls back to back using an extension and some with combined sidepull and cantilevers. Also, somehow I recall seeing a Holdsworth (?) trike conversion with two drum brakes. My trikes use fixed gear differentials, and are set up for a single front brake.


Marc St. Martin Livermore, CA

-----Original Message-----

>From: sam lingo <>

>Sent: Mar 8, 2006 8:02 AM


>Subject: Re: [CR]eBay UK Trike




>"Marc St. Martin" <> wrote: Hello Listmembers,


>I recall someone on the list was interested in a trike. Here's a UK eBay listing for a trike. I'd bid on it; however, I already have two. Don't know if this one would break down like a fixed gear trike for easier [cheaper] shipping, but in my experience, the listed shipping price is in line with this kind of item. I am not the seller.







>Marc St. Martin

>Livermore, CA

>Do trikes only have front brakes?

> sam lingo,pleasanton tx




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