kohl57@starpower.net wrote:
> At the risk of being too obvious: eBay.
> I regularly do a search "Cycling Leather" or "Detto Pietro" to troll for
> cycling shoes and with good luck if one is patient. There are lots and
> lots of really, really tiny cycling shoes out there, boxed and unloved, but
> also useful sizes if you keep at it. And at half the price of Reynolds or
> Carnac.
And swaps. One of the exhibitors at the Cronometro event in January had
a table full of NOS shoes for on-topic pedals. I picked up a nice pair
of Vitorias (size 41) for $10.
> It's so deliciously warm today and promised for the weekend, I think it's
> time to dust off the Dettos with the teeny-tiny holes in them... ah,
> Spring cannot be far off...
Looks like a nice weekend here as well. Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work all weekend (7A-7P Fri-Sat-Sun) and by the time Monday rolls around for a day off, they're talking snow again.
-John Thompson (john@os2.dhs.org)
Appleton WI USA