I think Columbine is at the top of the KOF market and could top $10K for a frame.
In 1995 they were at $5K for a top end frame. See http://www.columbinecycle.com/
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ
> Perhaps not all CR listmembers are aware of the fact that 5 figure
\r?\n> bikes
\r?\n> are sold and have been for a number of years. Both new bikes, as
\r?\n> well as
\r?\n> vintage ones. You can check out a few vintage ones here:
\r?\n> http://www.copakeauction.com/
\r?\n> also
\r?\n> witnessed quite a few modern bikes leave shops at well over $10K.
\r?\n> You
\r?\n> can in fact now even buy stock bikes that approach the $10K price
\r?\n> range
\r?\n> before sales tax. Add a set of Campagnolo Bora wheels and you go
\r?\n> way
\r?\n> over...
\r?\n> Witness what the true Herse randonneur bikes with complete Herse
\r?\n> componentry go for...
\r?\n> As an example of how high prices, as suggested by Don do presently
\r?\n> work
\r?\n> in the bike business, think about the Colnago President. It sells
\r?\n> for
\r?\n> more than virtually any other Colnago bike (which are already at
\r?\n> the top
\r?\n> of the market with regards to price), but it is not considered the
\r?\n> top
\r?\n> of the line in any performance category (stiffness, lightweight,
\r?\n> comfort, durability, handling...) People are therefore solely
\r?\n> buying
\r?\n> the prestige of the price and the finish of the frame, as nothing
\r?\n> else
\r?\n> would set it apart. Hundreds have however been sold in the US.
\r?\n> Their
\r?\n> sales are also not limited to the hightech millionaires and the
\r?\n> like.
\r?\n> Having spoken to a number of the buyers, I know that they are just
\r?\n> as
\r?\n> likely to be people who have just begun to ride, as they are
\r?\n> experienced
\r?\n> riders who are splurging on their 'last' new bike at retirement.
\r?\n> The
\r?\n> fact that Ernesto can get away with this does not however
\r?\n> translate into
\r?\n> the same possibilities for our American KOF framebuilders. Ernesto
\r?\n> has
\r?\n> built up this part of the market over decades.
\r?\n> Steven Maasland
\r?\n> Moorestown, NJ