Re: [CR]WAS: Campy clone rings NOW: Never mind what I said before...

(Example: Humor)

Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 09:47:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Raymond Dobbins <>
Subject: Re: [CR]WAS: Campy clone rings NOW: Never mind what I said before...
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: CR Mailing List <>

I don't know what I was thinking. I took another look at the photos of the ring in question<blah>

and it is an NR with the inner web cut off. Now that I looked for it, I can see evidence of the cuts, including lines that are not pefect. Sorry, never mind :-[

Ray DOH!bbins Miami Florida

Raymond Dobbins <> wrote: It looks like a Nuovo Record ring, but I don't think it is. It has no Campagnolo markings, and there is no evidence of the cuts to remove the inner web. I think it is one of the nameless Nuovo Record clone rings used by Colnago for his pantographing, which were made without an inner web. I've heard they were made by Ofmega, but no one seems to know for sure. Quite a few of the Colnago panto rings which are assumed to be Campy are actually made with these clones.

Ray Dobbins Miami Florida

John Thompson wrote: Wayne Davidson wrote:
> Hi all, I could be wrong, but is the outer chainring on the crankset a SR
> chainring?, I could be wrong but does not look right tome, is it just my
> eyes playing tricks with me on the 1-4-2006.

Looks to me like a Nuovo Record ring from which the inner web has been removed and slots milled in the outer web.

John (
Appleton WI USA