Re: [CR]what font is them decals ???

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

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From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]what font is them decals ???
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:08:38 -0700

On Apr 27, 2006, at 10:36 AM, wrote
>> Ben Kamenjas wrote:
>>> Yo Chuck, Kim et al ....
>>> Perusing through Mssr. Maasland's most excellent auctions I came
>>> across the following Masi Prestige decals ....
>>> restoration_W0QQitemZ7237581374
>>> Now this may just be me but I love and have always loved that
>>> "masi" graphic and wish to know if there is a font or typeset that
>>> is a known or standard reference for this type. And if you a Mac
>>> user and have just this type feel welcome to send it to me ;) ... I
>>> always wanted to make my "own" decals !!!!
>> Company logos are never existing fonts; but sometimes an existing
>> font is used as a starting point in the design of the logo. A
>> professionally designed logo is always handlettered so no font is
>> going to match.
>> Chuck Schmidt
>> South Pasadena, Southern California
> That's not quite true, there are MANY companies that select unmodified
> commercial typefaces for their logos. I've been converting them
> from print
> to
> video for the last 13 years so I know this for a fact. And we're
> talking f
> olks
> like TOYOTA here, not Jimmy Dean's Sausages. I can't count the
> number of
> times I've seen Copperplate, Cooper Black (who came first, the tire
> or the f
> ont?
> ;-), Antique Olive, Optima Extra Black or any number of other fonts
> used as
> is, even by larger companies who have ample budgets to come up with
> somethin
> g
> unique. Often they'll just mess with the kerning a bit and call
> it a day.
> Not the way I'd do things, but that's how it is.
> I don't have time to look thru all my fonts right now but I believe
> you can
> get a close match to Alberto's font (the one in the eBay sale
> you're looking
> at) with lower-case Bauhaus Heavy (except for the "s"). There's
> another
> typeface out there that has the swoopy "S", I've seen it. I just
> don't kn
> ow if
> it's in my collection or not, but I'll let you know if I find
> it. In the
> meantime, you can start with Bauhaus in a vector-based program like
> Illustat
> or or
> Freehand, type the letters and select "convert to paths", then
> massage the
> vector points to fit the decal.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA

I think you missed my point Bob. If a company's logo looks like an existing font I think you'll find on close inspection that a lettering artist has reworked it so that it is not an existing weight and modified the individual letters so that they work better together as a logo.

Yes Bauhaus might be close to Alberto Masi's logo... close but no prize. Personally close doesn't work for me or my clients.

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California
