[CR] F W Evans catalogue now on the web

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: [CR] F W Evans catalogue now on the web
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:48:15 -0700
Thread-Topic: [CR] F W Evans catalogue now on the web
Thread-index: AcZrv54EB7Tau2j0QQmANzbddq8SnwABP/3Q
From: "Mark Bulgier" <Mark@bulgier.net>
To: "Peter Brown" <peterg.brown@ntlworld.com>, "classicrendezvous Bike List" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Peter Brown has allowed me to put his scans of his late-30s F W Evans catalogue up on the web at http://bulgier.net/pics/bike/Catalogs/FWEvans-late30s

Really an interesting catalog, thanks Peter!

Check out the prices, £4 for a nice hand-built frame! Page 23 has clear images of 14 different handlebar bends and their names, a useful resource in itself.

Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA