US bikes from the turn of the last century look like the Carbolite frames but they have internal lugs!
Joe Bender Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ
> Peugeot used an internally filleted brazing approach, rings of
\r?\n> brazing
\r?\n> rod formed to mimic the joint, set inside the tube.
\r?\n> Heat it up and when ready, internal fillet with just a hint of
\r?\n> brazing
\r?\n> material around the exterior.
\r?\n> They were quite proud of the process, but it had too much
\r?\n> association
\r?\n> visually what came from AMF and the like.
\r?\n> John Jorgensen
\r?\n> Palos Verdes Ca USA
\r?\n> Only real Confentes around here.