Re: [CR]10 bike limit!

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 22:16:10 -0400
From: "Harvey M Sachs" <>
To:, larry black <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR]10 bike limit!

For the record, my wife knew of my purchase of Peter's own Peter Weigle a t Cirque last year. I didn't ask permission, but we talked about it after I bought it but before I came home. But before I get too much praise for our mutual trust, there is a background, a story of a Cinelli...and Larr y Black.

It was a dark and stormy night, the night of the annual Washington Area B icycle Association glamour fundraiser, I think at the Turkish Embassy. A board member had donated his Cinelli SC for the silent auction. Larry "de ep pockets, big eyes" wanted it. So did I. It was much too big for Larry. I could straddle it in bare feet, but it was still 62 or 63 cm (albeit w ith a 57 cm top tube, which fits me perfectly). Larry wrote down a bid th at was very generous. I covered it. For the rest of the evening, Beloved Spouse hovered about, to make sure that no one else covered my bid. And to keep me from blabbering to everyone what a neat classic it was. At th e end of the evening, it was mine. On the way out, bike under my arm, int o the raging storm (well, it was cold and rainy), I thanked her for letti ng me get this one, since I had wanted a Cinelli SC since when that one w as new (~73). She looked up at me, gave me the wifely smile, and said, " Harvey, at this point I can buy any laptop I want." And that's how we cam e to have a very fast titanium case Macintosh laptop. In her family, the term "Marital Capital" is used.

I think Larry is happy, feeling that he'll get the Cinelli eventually, an d in the meantime it is good hands. And WABA did great. But that doesn' t stop Larry from remarking every time he sees me that my voice used to b e much deeper.

FWIW, I rode that bike for RAGBRAI in 2004, and found it very comfortable because the top tube was the right length, and the handlebars were high enough, and it handles so well. Just looks a little funny with the seat so low. And now it has even more competition - the Weigle - for "favorit e bike."

harvey sachs mcLean va.

Peter Weigle wrote:

Hey you gluttons,,, I've often teased my customers about throwing all my frame building equiptment away, redecorating my shop with comfortable seating, a wine/ b eer cooler nice lighting, sound system etc..... and renting space to them for their stash of bikes "that she isn't to

know about"!!!! ( like that very expensive and rare French bike one o f you just bought and said sshhhhhh! don't tell! you know who you are!) "Sh e" doesn't know about the others either,,, does she now! They would make an appointment, I'd get their baby down from storage, pla ce her in the middle of the room, put on some mood music and dim the lights, ,, and they could spend some quality time with their sweet heart! If they didn't pay their bill I would have no other choice, than to tell

their wives,,,, and we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we!

So whatdayathink???? Could I make a go of it?? how many of ya want in?

Peter Weigle
Who CAN be bought! in Lyme Ct.