Re: [CR]Miche Components ?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 07:41:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Miche Components ?
In-Reply-To: <>

Most likely, that is correct.

By the way, from what I saw while traveling in Italy during the early 1980s, the typical club racer's bike would have Campagnolo derailleurs, Miche hubs and pedals, a Gipiemme crankset and Modolo brakes. (Remember, if you're already an Italian, you don't have to incur the expense of being "tutto Campagnolo" just to prove that you're a cool Euro-suave guy.)
      Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- r cielec wrote:

> Based upon the responses, only known Miche components
> produced under the Cycle Pro name were road hubs and perhaps
> not including skewers.
> That seem correct?
> Thanks.
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinois
> r cielec <> wrote:
> Miche, not sure of the markings on the QRs. Very nice
> hubs by the way, on about their third bike now and have
> stayed smooth for as many miles as any Campy hubs I own.
> Hahahaha - Well, there's credence to the "man behind the
> curtain" theory. In jest. No trying to start anyting.
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinois
> Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote:
> They most definitely did. I have a pair of Miche hubs I
> bought from Nashbar (or maybe Bike Warehouse then) about
> 1980. The box was marked Cycle Pro, but the hubs are marked
> Miche, not sure of the markings on the QRs. Very nice hubs
> by the way, on about their third bike now and have stayed
> smooth for as many miles as any Campy hubs I own.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
> r cielec <> wrote:
> Ahoy !
> Does anyone know if Miche produced components under the
> "Cycle Pro"
> name?
> Thanks.
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinois
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