re: [CR]Malvern Star 2 Star ID

(Example: Framebuilding)

From: "Ben Kamenjas" <>
Subject: re: [CR]Malvern Star 2 Star ID
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 22:22:40 +1000
To: geoff duke <>,

Hey Geoff, Art, et al .....

Rolf's a cool cat and has done lots of good work but there are also others who are well qualified to ID and expound on marque history of "all things Malvern Star". Most aren't on the CR List and others might want to pipe in if they wish to add some knowledge. Sorry for sounding vague but if I had any 2 Star queries Rolf would be about equal # 4 on the list of people Id start asking ..... like Chuck recently wrote, that's my opinion so it might be worth what you paid for it ... which is very little ;). The # 1 man Id ask is in your neck of the woods but at last conversation he was a little tired of giving ID info and advice to a bunch of random overnight Malvern Star aficianado's who pull ups stumps when they aren't old what they wanted to hear and he's also busy with other stuff as well.

What else ...

Care to comment: I think I know the type of dropouts you mention and have seen their type before ... just not sure if on Malvern's or other bikes. Will give it some thought ... d'you have any pics???

Serial #'s can be all over the shop ... different series and different production locations means that for the most they can be assimilated with like others but not always accurately keyholing the production date in specific order.

other random musings ...

plenty Malverns made outside of Vic. ;)

Geoff ... email me for more info on where to get more info. Im crazy busy (life's getting in the way of good ol' vintage bike talk and history) but will get around to emails and answers and stuff.

I gots a pre-war 2 Star in my hands with serial # 84784. I reckon they cooler and rarer than 5 Star examples (Oppy mostly rode a 2 Star) but i would say that as Im probably gonna offer my one for sale or trade, soonish. ;)

Not many fake 2 Star's as opposed to .... buyer beware is all Im saying. I don't really want to comment any more than I have as Im no expert, am not qualified to disclaim and have discussed much with others but that's all off the record and without attributable quote's or reference names.

Sorry if this bores everyone ... the bikes are nice, but there is no thorough collation of the history as yet and for the most it's a little provincial compared to other registry's and classic marques in terms of knowledge pool and ID histories. It's getting there .... but has a long, long ways to go. Id volunteer but Im an 80's kid who is still stuck on Italian stuff.

anyway, I'll shutup now ... big up to all you Vets


Ben Kamenjas Sydney, Oz

> For all things Malvern Star contact Rolf Lunsmann at
> the keeper and chronicler of the Marque. Also log
> onto the Canberra Cycling Musueum website which has some info as well
> as a link to Ozpushies the Aussie bike forum. Art Link,remembering the
> vets at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio,TX
>> On Friday I was shown a Malvern Star 2 Star frame.It has virtually no
>> original paint left on it but has a couple of interesting (to me
>> anyway) features.It has a Cyclo derailleur bracket on the chain stay
>> and a set of unusual rear dropouts.I am sure I have seen a picture of
>> these or something similar before but cannot find it.They are
>> horizontal road drops with a separate vertical slot closer to the
>> stay.They also have a horn that comes down from the beginning of the
>> drop and would perhaps make inserting a wheel in the frame easier.The
>> serial number of the frame is #121228 if any one out there has a
>> register of Malvern Stars and can tell me anything about this
>> frame.It does not belong to me and is not for sale but I am
>> interested in its origins and despite being an Australian have never
>> seen a Malvern Star with Cyclo attachments.Anyone care to comment,
>> Geoff Duke in wet Melbourne Australia,The home of Malvern Star