Re: [CR]Post Bike Rehab Let Down?

(Example: Racing)

From: <>
To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>, Don Wilson <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Post Bike Rehab Let Down?
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 18:52:41 +0000

I've always felt that all bikes are uncompleted projects, and that all rides are test rides. No?

Ken Freeman, Ann Arbor, MI

-------------- Original message --------------
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos

> Don, I think you just described how many of us came to have WAY MORE than ten

\r?\n> bikes. There is always that next project. In fact even if we have a dozen

\r?\n> projects planned we can't resist adding one more.


\r?\n> Newton's Special Law of Bike Collecting:


\r?\n> "The number of uncompleted projects can only expand or remain constant, never

\r?\n> contract."


\r?\n> Jerry Moos

\r?\n> Big Spring, TX




\r?\n> Don Wilson wrote:

\r?\n> Am I the only one around here who gets all excited

\r?\n> about rehabilitating a vintage lightweight, finishes

\r?\n> the detective work and rehabilitation (even if its

\r?\n> just partial), feels a considerable sense of

\r?\n> accomplishment, and then a few days later gets a let

\r?\n> down? Does anyone else start feeling a bit

\r?\n> unfullfilled and then soon after find themselves

\r?\n> prowling thrift stores and surfing ebay and craig's

\r?\n> list looking for the next project. Am I alone here, or

\r?\n> are there enough of us out there to start a 12 step

\r?\n> group? :-)


\r?\n> Don Wilson

\r?\n> Los Olivos, CA USA


\r?\n> D.C. Wilson

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