RE: [CR]Troppo vecchio

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Troppo vecchio
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 11:35:27 -0700
Thread-Topic: [CR]Troppo vecchio
Thread-Index: AcZ1JhvIeSbuC+foTAKSMP+PltVeXAAA27uw
From: "Eric Meddaugh" <EricMeddaugh@AirgoNetworks.Com>
To: "Classicrendezvous" <>
cc: The Maaslands <>

Google's translation, not the greatest, but..:

Cesar Of the Cancia, Mister Saint-Addle 1937, e' too much old one. He lives of memories, its paranoias and fixations. between migliaia of pieces of reciprocation, bicycles and small engines that have transferred, at this point many years ago, from the store to the flat land of its house. It tells piu' or less always the same things. To the question: "It would appeal to dirci something to Them of when he was runner" it has answered: "I never do not have time; to 92 aanni the time lacks me. Just yesterday and" died a my friend of Pescia with which correvo'. Constantly busy E' to take apart and to restore ancient bicycles, what that it knows to make from true master. Pero', one is late also in lavoretti meticulous and absurd, absolutely maniacali. I have left a Bottom bracket them FB to audit. I has said that rettifichera', the job for which he has the necessary equipment and also great competence. I have not dared chiedegli to release photographies. Sergio Pisa


-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sergio Servadio Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:10 AM To: Classicrendezvous Cc: The Maaslands Subject: [CR]Troppo vecchio

Steven, if you feel like, please translate for all.

Sergio --------------------------------------------------------------------

This afternoon, after missing the rendez-vous, in Lucca, with a listmember (who didn't show up), I went on and later visited Mr.Del Cancia, in Pontedera. Report follows.

Cesare Del Cancia, Mister San-Remo 1937, e' troppo vecchio.

Vive di ricordi, delle sue paranoie e fissazioni. tra migliaia di pezzi di ricambio, biciclette e motorini che ha trasferito, oramai tanti anni fa, dal negozio al piano terreno della sua casa.

Racconta piu' o meno sempre le stesse cose. Alla domanda: 'Le piacerebbe dirci qualcosa di quando era corridore?' ha risposto: 'Non ho mai tempo; a 92 aanni mi manca il tempo. Proprio ieri e' morto un mio amico di Pescia con il quale correvo'.

E' costantemente indaffarato a smontare e restaurare biciclette antiche, cosa che sa fare da vero maestro. Pero', si attarda anche in lavoretti minuziosi e assurdi, assolutamente maniacali.

Gli ho lasciato un movimento centrale FB da revisionare. Ha detto che me lo rettifichera', lavoro per il quale ha l'attrezzatura necessaria e anche grande competenza.

Non ho osato chiedegli di scattare fotografie.
