RE: [CR]New Member

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]New Member
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 15:30:23 -0400
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Thread-Topic: [CR]New Member
Thread-Index: AcZt0zRzp84jI1TuR/myoZ1yCE1WZgARsT4w
From: "Bingham, Wayne" <>
To: <>

Hello Jason, and welcome to the CR list. I thought I'd chime-in and give some of my own perspective on your questions, and my perspective is petty broad. That's also a nice thing about this list. There are obviously the common threads that bring us all together, but there's plenty of diversity within the confines of the "club". Outfitting a bike with "original" or "period correct" parts is a passion that runs deep around here, but there's also those that lean toward a more esoteric or "hot rod" approach. Personally, I like it all, and find just as much enjoyment in one approach as I do in another.

And we find our bikes in all manner of places and through a variety of means. We get them from collectors and restorers, from eBay, from all of the usual "lists", at garage sales, at the Goodwill store and from the dumpster, by word-of-mouth, and from each other. And while there may be a little bickering from time to time, we are, for the most part, a fairly happy family. A very large family.

I wouldn't be too worried about finding a 52/53 cm frame. In fact, I would warn against choosing one too soon. Take your time and the right one will come along. About six or seven months ago, I offered a 52 cm De Rosa on the CR list, and it was sold in a matter of hours, if not minutes. Made me kind of wonder if I had priced it too low.

You can look at some of my esoteric collection here:

And lots more from others if you wade through the other pages of the great Wool Jersey Gallery.

Have fun!

Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA

-----Original Message-----

Dear all,

I am Jason (Jay) LePree and joined the list yesterday. I own a 1982 Miyata 310 (set up with upright bars), and a Orange and White Rambouillet set up with lights, racks and fenders. I am interested in owning a sportier bike, and I hope that by reading through these posts, I can find a great looking racer.

Do most of the subscribers here try to outfit their bikes with all or nearly original parts?

Where did you find your bikes...garage sales...ebay? (I need a 52 / 53 cm frame and I am concerned I will not find one in this size.)

Best to all,

Jay LePree
Demarest, NJ