Re: [CR]Re: Picture of Harry Quinn?

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 10:21:14 -0600
From: "Mitch Harris" <>
To: "Doug Fattic" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Picture of Harry Quinn?
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Like Peter said, I'd find a good photo lab that specializes in black and white--I assume the negatives are B&W? If so they should last well but need special care from an experienced lab if they are that old. If they are colo r negs that old then they need really careful handling.

What a great camera, too.

I'd love to see that photo of (perhaps) R. J. Quinn or photos of the shop i f you have any, when ever you get around to posting, to shed light on the lat e 70s R.J.Quinn I bought last Fall near Liverpool. The R.J.Quinn decals on th e frame and rims show a Liverpool address for the shop--was there one in Leed s too?

--Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah

On 5/14/06, Doug Fattic <> wrote:
> I got the bright idea last night to find the negatives (35mm prints) of
> pictures I took at various framebuilding shops in England in 1975 and 197 8
> on my Leica M2 with a 50mm pull out lens. This camera was old in 75 but
> took great pictures of course. My prints that weren't on Kodak paper had
> gotten brown and curled and generally ugly. Besides they were 3 X 5 and I
> was having a hard time finding plastic protectors to put them into a 3
> ring
> binder album. To my surprise, one now new 4 X 6 picture that came from
> these negatives - that I don't ever remember seeing before - was of some
> British builder with a nice smile holding his brazing torch while
> pretending
> to work on a fork. The options are either Harry Quinn or one of his
> brothers at R.J. Quinn in Leeds. There is also a slight possibility it i s
> Jim Harrison in Manchester.
> When I was at Briggs, I made several trips over the Pennines to Mancheste r
> to talk to Ida Berry about the framebuilding equipment of her late
> husband.
> On one of those trips, I went on to Liverpool to visit the Quinns. I
> remember well my visit with Harry but I also remember not wanting to
> intrude
> too much with picture taking. So does anyone have a picture on line of
> Harry? The mystery guy I have a picture of looks a lot like one of the
> R.J.
> Quinn brothers only taller. I do have a good picture of one of Harry's
> brothers with a young apprentice. So it is possible it is the other
> brother
> at RJ if it isn't Harry.
> When I was in Manchester I also took the opportunity to visit Jim
> Harrison.
> I discovered he had the same birthday as mine so there is a possibility m y
> mystery photo is of him. However, I don't remember taking a picture of
> him.
> And another question to the list members that have photo knowledge. I
> took
> these negatives up to the Walgreen's just up the street from me and used
> their 1 hour service. While the prints are a huge improvement over the
> old,
> they are also grainy. It provided quick satisfaction but isn't the final
> solution. Since these pictures have framebuilding historic value I'd lik e
> to sometime get better pictures developed from these old negatives and
> also
> put them on a CD so they can be shared electronically. Any suggestions o f
> where I can get this done to a higher quality?
> By the way, among my negatives I had reprinted, are pictures of my visit
> in
> 1978 to the Raleigh works before O'Donovan inconveniently came back and
> kicked me out and of inside the Ellis Briggs frame shop.
> Thanks,
> Doug Fattic
> Niles, Michigan.