Re: [CR]Shorty fenders

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

From: "Charles T. Young" <>
To: <>
References: <003f01c678cf$29ffef40$722b5c54@usertmf38sji6p>
Subject: Re: [CR]Shorty fenders
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 08:44:14 -0400

Hear, hear!

While they do reduce the amount of water,dirt and debris striking the caliper(s), headset, seatpost junction and, perhaps, a bit of the underside of the saddle leather, the primary reason for my having fitted them on a Viking is aesthetic. Blue sparkle; I couldn't resist:

They aren't full mudguards (fenders) with front and rear flaps and shouldn't be confused with such. However, they do make for an easier cleanup when one gets caught in the rain with a sunny day bike.

Charlie Young Honey Brook, PA

Doug Smith wrote:

----- Original Message -----

> I am very surprised at some of the negative veiws expressed by the few

\r?\n> regarding the use of these short mudguards.


\r?\n> To these people who so readly put them down I say , you could'nt have

\r?\n> read my contribution or you just do'nt understand the reason meant for

\r?\n> their orignal use. They were manufactured with the racing cyclist in

\r?\n> mind aware that full mudguards would not be used by cyclists whilst

\r?\n> competing in an event.As I explained they were a protection against the

\r?\n> elements when racing on road and circuit. Try riding a 100 mile or 12

\r?\n> hour time trial on a rainy day without these ,both yourself and your

\r?\n> bike would be in a right mess at the finishing line!. After the event

\r?\n> or next day these shorties would be removed and replaced by the full

\r?\n> set. Its worth remembering that the same machine used in the race the

\r?\n> day before would be used to take one to and from their work place for

\r?\n> the rest of the week, fully equipped with full fenders, saddle bag and

\r?\n> in my case a bag of tradesmens tools hooked on the handlbars.


\r?\n> So to those folks I say ,before harshly condeming them as a useless

\r?\n> piece of equipment just think what an asset they have been to the many

\r?\n> who used them in the past and by reading some of the replies do so

\r?\n> today.


\r?\n> Doug Smith

\r?\n> North Dorset

\r?\n> UK