[CR]Spearpoint Stems

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: "Doug Smith" <doug@kingsweir.plus.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 21:16:26 +0100
Subject: [CR]Spearpoint Stems

David Ross wrote Here's the first installment of a photo study of GB stems. At this rate there should be several stems up by 2010. This one is a little beat up but presentable. Did all of the Spearpoint stems have alloy expander bolts and plugs, and a hollow extension? What about reliability? All up it weighs 198 grams at 10cm extension.

David and Gang

Yes I have some expander bolts in a form of alloy in the past and proved very unpractical especially when the bolt is screwed into a steel expander plug .The alloy hexegan bolt head was not the best material to stand the pressure it was intented for. I have installed and used both but as we all known that steel and alloy do'nt really go together.The hollow extentsion to my knowledge has never been a problem. Weight I pass on either way as I have never been a weight contentious person where components are concerned!

A great product used the world over and as with all GB accessories the classic British bike would'nt be the same without them.

Doug Smith
North Dorset