[CR]Now Lambert and Ron Kitchings

(Example: Racing)

Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 17:51:50 +0000 (GMT)
From: <joebz@optonline.net>
In-reply-to: <8C84B140A40B486-12B8-D9@FWM-D45.sysops.aol.com>
To: oroboyz@aol.com
References: <e36dd2126b49.44709d0b@optonline.net>
cc: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Now Lambert and Ron Kitchings

As I remember it (hah) the first Lamberts were sort of prototypes and ha d some sort of Ron Kitchings connection. I suppose the threaded BB is the telling difference. Some of the earliest ones are also branded Reg
   Harris. Apparently there were similar Ron Kitchings frames, probabl y built with 531. I guess the TA? arms on Lamberts are part of the c onnection because Ron Kit was the UK TA distributor.I noticed I made t he Cirque banquet cutoff by the skin of my teeth (#119).  Looking forward to seeing all again.Joe Bender-ZanoniGreat Notch, NJ----- Or iginal Message -----From: oroboyz@aol.comDate: Sunday, May 21,
   2006 1:35 pmSubject: Was: mystery bike, now early Lambert.. .To: joebz@optonline.net, bhufford3@mchsi.comCc: Classic rendezvous@bikelist.org> << It may a Ron Kitchings or early Ro n Kit built Lambert. I > think the > dro> pouts, top eyes, l ugs and braze-ons are right. The early bikes wit> h a threaded BB ar e uncommon. The fork replacement is a hint pointing> toward Lambert.
   Looks like it was built up with whatever parts > were ar> ound incl uding some gems from our persepective today.Joe Bender-Zanoni> Great
   Notch, NJ>>> > Very good, Joe! That all makes sense to me.
> > That is the first time I heard of Ron Kitching building the > first > Lamberts. I always understood it was a London area maker, a > Viking > plant? Hadn't heard they came from up north...
   Maybe one of our > UK guys > has more info?> > Dale Brown> Greensboro, NC USA> > > -----Original Message-----> From: jo ebz@optonline.net> To: bhufford3@mchsi.com> Cc: Classicr endezvous@bikelist.org> Sent: Sun, 21 May 2006 17:02:03 +0 000 (GMT)> Subject: Re: [CR]Mystery Bike Pedals (well, to me
   anyway)> > It may a Ron Kitchings or early Ron Kit built Lambert.
   I think > the dro> pouts, top eyes, lugs and braze-ons are righ t. The early bikes wit> h a threaded BB are uncommon. The fork rep lacement is a hint pointing> toward Lambert. Looks like it was built
   up with whatever parts > were ar> ound including some gems from our
   persepective today.Joe Bender-Zanoni> Great Notch, NJ----- Origin al Message -----From: bhufford3@mchsi.> comDate: Sunday, May
   21, 2006 12:31 pmSubject: Re: [CR]M> ystery Bike Pedals ( well, to me anyway)To: Classicrendezvous@bikel> ist.org> >
   I picked up a mystery bike at a local swap this weekend> and > I' m trying to> > identify parts. (I'll try to get pi> cs of the
   re-paint frame, > etc. > > tomorrow with better ligh> t)>
   > Here are pics of the rest of the bike. Not much to look at,>
   but > maybe you can > help in figuring out what the frame might be.
> > > http://home.mchsi.com/~shufford/bike.html> > T he b> ike comes in at about 23.5 pounds on the bathroom beam > sca le > (I co> uldn't > locate my hanging scale), minus the saddl e. The seattu> be ID > seems to be about > 26.6 mm with the b est of my measuring> (the 26.0 post was shimmed > at the top > w ith a 1" long shim)).> The top tube OD is 26.0 mm. The down
> tube is 29.1 mm > (?> ?). The seat tube is 28.6 at th e base but 29.1 at the top > (> flared by an > over agressive se atpost insertion at some point?).> I thought if > the frame was
> French that it would have a 26.0 t> op tube and 28.0 mm seat a nd > down tubes > typically. I didn'> t get a photo of if, but there is a pentagon > shaped shifter > cl> amp stop on the bot tom of the down tube.> > No markings that I can> find. The fr ame appears to have been > powder coated, > but I'> m really n ot sure how to tell.> > Thanks for any other help you ca> n offe r.> > Bob Hufford> Springfield, MO> ______> _ _______________________>
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