Re: [CR]Rene Herse Demontable bike on eBay

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Rene Herse Demontable bike on eBay
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 16:23:12 +0000

Actually, the functionality of the shifters is less of an issue than it looks - but more of an issue is that it looks like one is engaging in an obscene act while shifting.

Interestingly, a number of Demontable bikes with this arangement have been ridden quite extensively - most I've seen show signs of use.

I've wondered about the coupler issue myself for the shifters as that would have been far less work than the crazy shifter system he stuck with.

More importatantly, though, the demontables I've ridden ride increadibly well. Not just great for a take-apart bike, but great for any bike.

Mike Kone in Boulder CO

-------------- Original message --------------


\r?\n> Referring to eBay item 7250978225


\r?\n> I know it is sacrilege to criticize Rene Herse, but I am amazed that he put

\r?\n> the shifters on seat tube. Clearly it is done so that the shifters and

\r?\n> cables could stay on the half of the frame that includes the derailleurs,

\r?\n> making disassembly and reassembly easier. I understand that making a

\r?\n> ladies demontable bike presents some serious challenges, but come on.

\r?\n> Surely M. Herse could have figured out some sort of coupler to allow the

\r?\n> gear cables to be disconnected.


\r?\n> The seller says "Bike riding was my father's passion, not my mother's. She

\r?\n> only rode when my father pushed her." Who can blame her? How much fun

\r?\n> would riding be if you had to reach between your legs to the seat tube

\r?\n> every time you wanted to change gears?


\r?\n> Very unimpressed,

\r?\n> Marcus Helman

\r?\n> Huntington Woods, MI