Hi Ken and Ted, Thank you both for the valuable input.
I too had recalled the Pista cranks as retaining the larger 151 BCD - at least through the mid-1970s. The later addition (early 70s?) of the smaller 44t Pista chainrings - down from the earlier 46t minimum - had deceived me into thinking the crank arms had indeed also changed at that time.
Now, looking through my later Campy catalog (#18-Bis, dated 12/86) it appears that it was not until the arrival of the C-Record group that the BCD of the Pista cranks was finally reduced to 144 mm. At that time, Campy had finally listed 42t 1/2x1/8" Track rings, and had also dramatically altered their design of both Road and Track crankarms, as well.
My own track bike during that era was a Helyett (France), purchased used in the late '60s. It's original crankset was a Stronglight 49D - simply beefed up with a TA 1/8" track chainring. So, my recollections of the Campy equipment was based entirely on my fleeting recollections of other people's bikes during those years.
Thanks so much for, at last, helping me sort it all out!
Bob Hanson, New Meico, USA