According to the vintage Cresecent ad on the CR site, the stainless steel frame was available in three models: All Campy NR, Sugino Maxy/Nuovo Tipo hubs, etc. and the bottom model with Sugino Maxy, etc. The ad claims all three models had the same frame, which was definitely not the case with the normal painted steel models. One might get quite a bargain on the bottom stainless model if one ran across one.
Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX
Terry Farrant <> wrote:
hi, i have an older crescent but not the SS one and i have not ridden it
yet. it is the project 'line-up'. this one too has mostly campy stuff but
lower end stuff i think. the derailleur's are 'valentino extra' the hubs are
'tipo' i believe. crankset is steel cottered 'stronglight' stem 'ava' as
well as ava 700 tubular rims. saddle is 'ideale'. the seat tube is CC 52
and the top tube is CC 54. if i recall the issue with this bike(crescents)
was toe overlap.
there is some good info and pics at the following site, mostly in swedish
but one can navigate around fairly well. also some links:
here is a link to a picture of the crescent that i have.
hope this helps
terry farrant
north saanich
vancouver island