[CR]Cirque Auction; Please read it all AGAIN! (It's different)

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 16:33:03 -0500
From: "John T.Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Cirque Auction; Please read it all AGAIN! (It's different)

Dearest list, This year's Cirque du Cyclisme Charity Auction is promising be THE BEST yet!

For the first time The Charity Auction is an official Cirque event! The history of the auction from it's humble beginnings in the Battleground Inn 4th floor hallway to raising big bucks for charity is really pretty amazing and it's because of youse guys! Rumors abound of fantastic bicycles and components that will be offered up to the highest bidder that night!! I, John T.Pergolizzi, am Auction organizer and chief auctioneer. Johnny Baron will act as auctioneer's 1st assistant and chief $ collector. Harvey Sachs will be taking up the slack as my voice goes South. Jamie Swan is auction consultant and official tag writer. Yes, each item will be tagged and numbered. Mike Schmidt will be Chief Guy Friday; doing every thing we need him to to help out (he WILL BE running around like the chicken w/o a head!). Boy, we're getting professional!

********* MOST IMPORTANTLY: For those of youse bringing items for sale to the auction; you MUST bring them with you EARLY!!! Bring them to the venue when you come for the Film Premier or even EARLIER!!!! My helpers and I will be next door to the bike shop organizing the items to be tagged. BRING THEM IN!!!!!!!!!!**************

YOU MUST HAVE YOUR NAME, % OF DONATION AND IF THEER IS A RESERVE WRITTIN ON A TAG OR PIECE OF TAPE OF IN THE BAG THE ITEM IS IN. This will help us dramatically in keeping track of every thing and improve efficiency tremendously.

**********If you do not have a place at the Buffet Dinner and want to attend The Auction, a $5.00 donation will help defray costs of put'n on the show and is greatly appreciated. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!**************

Through the generous help of Morgan Fletcher, you can view some of this years booty at our NEW online Auction catalogue of the hottest , most desirable items at The Wooljersy site! Go here:


As always, ALL I ask is that you donate at least a small percentage of the proceeds of your auctioned bits (10 to 20% suggested of the sellers end) to charity.

Many, many sellers made FULL donations at the last two auctions to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation in 2004 (The Make a Wish Foundation thanks you all again for the $1,856.00 donation). and Operation Smile ( http://www.operationsmile.org ) in 2005 for the over $4,000.00 donation. Since 1982, Operation Smile's volunteers have provided free facial reconstructive surgery to tens of thousands of children and young adults in 25 developing countries and the United States. 90,000 children have been treated. 87% of cash and in-kind donations go directly to programs helping children. This years schedule calls for the Charity Auction to take place on Friday night June 9,2006 and go till there just ain't nuth'n left to sell! Take a look:


A wonderful buffet dinner is included with a nominal admission fee of only 20 bucks ($30.00 after 5/30/06)! Our Dinner/Auction event will be located at a new deluxe venue decorated for our enjoyment, a preview & inspection of the auction goods will give buyers a much better look at stuff and there will be a party of sorts with all kinds of hilarity prior to the auction itself. A 50/50 auction will give some lucky ace a few extra bucks to spend and help raise more $ for charity AND get this: the world premier of the new Jeff Groman film "Six Day Bicycle Race" will be shown before the dinner. Wow, I'm tired already! And other possible fun stuff will include: -Pin the tail on the Masi game -Musical saddles -blow up the inner tubes (until they burst) -"The Unknown Prize"-- you bid on a box that has a very good item; but only the auctioneer knows its identity! So please prepare youse selves for a great time! So now that you've looked through those boxes and bins for all your old junk, unused frames, too BIG bicycles and other bits that you would like to pass on to the next user and know that a very good cause will benefit from your generosity, BRING LOTS OF MONEY TO SPEND!

Thank You all,

Brooklyn, New York