Thanks for putting these up. I'm not sensitive about my photo work. I ju st snapped a few while I had the chance, the bike deserves better. I'm s ure the owner will do it right, he has good taste in bikes.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Those of you who went and looked at it might have noticed that the big photos were TOO big - for most users & most software that meant a lot of
scrolling around to see the whole thing - annoying. So I made the bigger photos smaller, if ya know what I mean. The huge ones are still available with one extra click.
Also, I added a nice little surprise, kind of a joke but I hope you'll
like it, right at the top of the page. Check it 'n' let me know what
you think. I'm still a beginner/amateur at this webmaster stuff, open
to suggestions.
The pages are optimized for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 minimum - anyone here using less than that? (If you are, upgrade your damn computer) Even at 1024 x 768 you will have to do some scrolling on the mid-sized pix. I strongly recommend Full-Screen mode, which you turn on
and off in Internet Explorer with the "F11" key. (Probably similar in other browsers but I don't use them, sorry)
Mark Bulgier Seattle WA USA
P.S. - Someone asked for a whole-bike portrait - I hear from the owner of the bike that he is thinking of having a pro photographer take pictures, and if he does, he'll send 'em to me. Brian, I think there's nothing wrong with your pix, they're very nice, don't get your feelings hurt!!