I'v e just been looking over the photos of this frame as they are shown on Mark Bulgier's site.
It's an interesting frame from several perspectives and it is a pity that there are no shots of the rear drop-outs, as these might help to date the frame more accurately.
The seller states that he thinks it is a 1949 model, but it seems in my opinion to be slightly later, perhaps 1952/3. My reasons are:-
(1) earlier, say 1949 models tended to have twin-plate fork crowns and round for-blades (2) the almost full wrap-over seat-stay top-eyes were a slightly later type of style.
I have three of these frames, one from the late 30s, another from the late 40s, and one from the early 50s..but this is a lady's model and probably should nor be considered in this comparison.
My late 40s gent's frame has the round blades and twin-plate fork crown, the seat stay caps are deeply fluted and slightly crude in appearance, and the drop-outs are Chater Lea. The number is 521 ( there is also a 244 stamped on it)
Perhaps I am doing the seller a grave injustice here. Is there anyone out there with an accurate understanding of Claud's numbering system? Perhaps my frames are older than I had worked out.
Norris Lockley..Settle, UK