Re: [CR]Nuevo Record Rear Der. on Team Champion

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 07:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Nuevo Record Rear Der. on Team Champion
To: Fred Rafael Rednor <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

Yes, in the 80's Simplex may have made DO's to accept Campy, but as far as I am aware, the Team Champion always came with Campy DO's. And if I understand Kevin, his Simplex DO was threaded but not notched, which definitely sounds like someone modified it but didn't fully finish the job,

Simplex is the most versatile of the classic RD's as it requires neither a tapped nor notched DO, but can coexist quite happily with them, and so mounts easily on almost any road DO made after about the mid-60's. At the other extreme, the Huret Jubilee may be the least versatile, coming in at least two, and possibly three different versions, for Campy, Simplex and Huret DO's. Anyone know for sure if it was two versions or three?


Jerry Moos

Fred Rafael Rednor <> wrote: Jerry, At some point, those Simplex dropouts were definitely available - from the factory - with the appropirate threading and notch to accept Campagnolo derailleurs. I can't say when that began, but I have a an early 1980s Peugeot that came equipped with Simplex derailleurs. But when I removed the rear unit for some maintenance, I discovered the threading and alos noticed the notch in "just the right place". So I've also had Campagnolo and Shimano changers on that frame without making any modifications. It's possible that Kevin's frame uses the same bits... Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

> This seems very strange, Kevin. First, all the Team
> Champions I've seen had Campy dropouts. The Team Champions,
> at least the ones I've seen, were all-Campy bikes and
> therefore were built with Campy DO'd. The LeChampion, on the
> other hand, came with top French equipment and Simplex DO's.
> Are you sure that what you have isn't a LeChampion? The
> Simplex DO has been modified if it is threaded for a Campy
> RD. They came unthreaded, as the Simplex RD's did not
> require a threaded DO. The normal route "In the Day" to
> adapt a Simplex DO for a Campy NR RD was to tap AND notch the
> DO, just as Sheldon suggets. If you file the notch
> correctly, this DOES work. Several guys in a club I rode
> with in the early 70's added Campy NR RD's to their PX-10's
> in exactly this way.
> I've never done this modification to a Simplex DO myself,
> as I personally consider it an ugly and unnecessary
> mutilation of a perfectly good DO. The right solution, IMHO,
> is to simply use a Simplex SLJ RD, which was designed for the
> Simplex DO. The SLJ, in my opinion, is the best noindexed
> rear derailleur ever made, infinitely superior to a Campy NR
> or SR. I never understood the impluse to fit Campy
> derailleurs to Simplex DO's, especially after the all-alloy
> SLJ replaced the partly plastic Criterium as to top-of
> the-line Simplex RD.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
> Kevin D Salyer wrote:
> I have received some helpful suggestions in the past on
> building up a 1973 Motobecane Team Champion and I am hoping
> for a repeat of this pleasant experience. I am using a Pat.
> 74 Nuevo Record rear derailleur on the bike but am having
> trouble with limiting forward movement of the changer. The
> Simplex dropout, while threaded for the Campy NR, has no
> forward stop. For the small cogs on the freewheel, this is
> not a problem, but the 22t cog (largest) meshes with the
> pulleys. Sheldon Brown suggested that I file a notch in the
> dropout but this did not work. Is there a washer with
> dog-eared flap that creates a stop? Any suggestions would be
> most appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kevin Salyer (Lafayette, CA)
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